Discover Your Potential

Invest in the most important Asset!

“We cannot change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our sails. For maximum happiness, peace, and contentment, may we choose a positive attitude.”

Cora Hatch, 1859


OceanMinded coachings combine the essence of my experience from 10 years of Freediving with the Science of Functional Breathwork and its’ application for holistic health, calmness, stress resilience and development of your full human potential. The coaching sessions take place on land, we focus on Breathwork and its’ application to everyday life.

Thousands of hours in the water have led me to deeply understand the power of the breath for nervous system regulation, confronting beliefs, fears or dealing with pressure situations. Breathing has opened a door to extend the weightlessness, peace & silence in the endless blue, and share moments with people in search of peace & silence, depth, performance, experiences, mental tools for personal development or simply the happiness of the moment in the water. All these are treasures of valuable lessons for mental & physical health and happiness.

Whether keynote, online workshops or intensive 1:1 presence coachings – OceanMinded offers you various formats to support you with functional breathing techniques in achieving your goals, unfolding your potential and overcoming challenges. In this exchange, I am here as a partner in the process of self-reflection, the promotion of personal development, learning, growth, individual transformation and positive change.


1. KEYNOTE / Discover your depth


  • 1 hour


  • Presence In-House / Online Zoom


  • Playzone & neurophysiology of safety & performance
  • Functional breathing & practice for calm, focus, stress resilience & performance
  • Functional breathing as a tool in the corporate context – employee development, selfefficacy, self-awareness, self-confidence, leadership presence, decision-making ability, balance between high performance and rest phases in everyday life…

2. WORKSHOP / Breath, Balance, & Beyond: A Polyvagal Perspective


  • 2 – 2.5 hours


  • Online Zoom


  • Playzone & neurophysiology of safety & performance
  • 3 spheres of functional breathing (biochemistry / biomechanics / nervous system)
  • Practical exercises for calmness, stress resilience & performance
  • OXA Life Biofeedback and integration into Training
  • Training Manual


  • 99,- €

3. Oxygen Advantage - Functional Breathwork / Breathe better, live better


  • 2 hours


  • Online Zoom


  • Oxygen Advantage / Science of Functional Breathing
  • Breathing Assessment / Recognizing and regulating breathing patterns
  • Practical exercises for calmness, stress resilience & performance
  • Training Manual


  • 69,- €



  • 2 months


  • Presence In-House + regular online sessions


  • With Inspiring Leaders we’ll embark on a journey to uncover and harness the transformative power of Functional Breathwork, Neurophysiological performance approaches and metaphoric lessons from Freediving to enrich and optimize your professional and personal endeavors. The ultimate goal is to develop and cultivate the practice of safety, and deeply understand the power of breathing habits to calm down, center, focus and perform in a culture that constantly throws cues of risk, uncertainty, danger evaluation and competition at us. Effectively managing stress and forging a deep connection between breath, mind, and body is becoming more important than ever.


  • Learn how Breathwork can be a powerful tool to reducing stress, improving decision making, productivity, resilience, interpersonal communication, organizational relationships, perspective-taking, and self-care.
  • Nurture physical, mental, and emotional employee health, and become a „neurophysiologically smart company“. A wellness-focused approach sends a clear message to your workforce: “We care about your well-being.” This fosters loyalty and reduces turnover rates.
  • Healthy employees – healthy company.. Explore how Breathwork interventions can be used to enhance cognitive function, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. A workforce that feels good physically and mentally is better equipped to take on challenges and achieve targets.

Take a deep breath, be ready to grow, and experience how the power of breath can transform your life. Are you ready to unlock your potential? Let’s dive in together!


  • individual offers


To ensure that you get the best possible experience and documented results from our coaching programs, we work with scientific and technological partners. With many years of experience as an Oxygen Advantage Coach combined with cutting-edge technology for scientific evaluation and presentation of your physiological development, you will receive a complete system that makes your successes visible and can accompany you sustainably even after the program.


OxygenAdvantage® is the world’s leading training program, that teaches the science behind functional breathing and its applications for physical and mental health and athletic performance. As an Advanced Functional Breathwork Instructor, I am part of a network that brings together over 5000 instructors from over 50 countries and draws on a scientific pool of research and knowledge about breathing and its benefits that has been in development for over 20 years.


As an OXALIFE Ambassador, I use the world’s first and only live HRV biofeedback system in coaching sessions. Oxa measures your heart rate, breathing rate and heart rate variability in real time and adapts breathing exercises for rest & recovery or energy & activation to your individual needs! NEW: Revolutionize your team’s wellbeing with Oxa Team Solutions. Create a burnout-safe workplace and retain talent with a solution that actively helps to reduce stress and make your company a “great place to work”.


Contrary to popular belief, it’s not all in our heads. Rather, the key to unlocking our potential lies in our physiology. The PLAY ZONE is the first coaching approach of its kind to apply Polyvagal Theory to performance and represents a paradigm shift in performance psychology – the path to peak performance is through our physiology and understanding and influencing our nervous system.

Looking forward to connect and talk to you...